Female Pattern Hair Loss

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Female Pattern Hair Loss/Baldness also called Androgenetic Alopecia, is hair loss that affects women. It’s similar to male pattern baldness, except that women can lose their hair in a different pattern than men.

Hair loss in women is normal, especially as you age. Up to two-thirds of women experience hair loss after menopause. Less than half of women will make it past age 65 with a full head of hair, but now a days due to hormonal and lifestyle pattern hair loss happens at the early 20s.

Female Pattern Baldness is hereditary. It’s more common after menopause, due to hormonal changes. If you notice that you’re losing hair, see your doctor or a Trichologist. They will be able to determine if you’re experiencing Female Pattern Baldness or another type of hair loss.

In female pattern baldness, the hair’s growing phase slows down. It also takes longer for new hair to begin growing. Hair follicles shrink, leading the hair that does grow to be thinner and finer. This can result in hair that easily breaks.

It’s normal for women to lose 50 to 100 hairs each day, but those with female pattern baldness can lose many more.

Doctors divide female pattern baldness into three types:

  • Type I is a small amount of thinning that starts around the top / crown part of your head.
  • Type II involves widening of the part and increased thinning around it.
  • Type III is thinning throughout, with a see-through area at the top of your scalp.

Woman are less likely to go completely bald, but you may have a lot of thinning throughout your hair.

The sooner you get treated, the faster you’ll be able to stop the loss — and possibly even regrow hair.